Welcome to (AllOne sm logo)
We are all interconnected, we are AllOne*
"All" and "One" without separation is AllOne


What gifts do you want to give yourself and others?
Do you want more happiness, more peaceful/loving relationships?

Love is the only thing that is real

  • If you look at most young children, they are smiling. Are most adults smiling? Most or all of us start out with innocence, joy and happiness. Most of life is learned, some positive and some negative. What if you could boost your immune system, increase your lifespan, and help bring world peace? New science shows amazing results: The amazing power to transform yourself and the world by simply smiling!
  • Sometimes we may forget to realize or feel the gratitude for what humans have in this moment: life on a planet that supplies us with air, food, water, and infinite beauty.
  • There is a term for all negative emotions, it's called "unhappiness". Unhappy people are most likely living in an unconscious world, run by their repetitive negative thoughts. You can easily relearn or learn how to live a more positive life. One of the purposes of AllOne is to help those interested in learning how to become happier, and one of the ways to do this is to learn how to become conscious, or "re-awaken" as some may call it. Mindfulness, a term becoming popular, is a perfect step in the right direction. Becoming aware that you are not your thoughts, and you can choose not to react to them, is another powerful step. There are many pages and links to pages on AllOne that you can choose to explore for further growth.
  • Everyone should learn this: Deep belly breathing eliminates stress, anxiety, anger, and negative feelings in seconds!

If you join "All" and "One", you see AllOne. Are we really all one? If you are not sure, consider learning more about spirituality or quantum mechanics. Regardless, when you improve, you affect life around you, because we are all one. One human race that is both gifted as well as interdependent with all that the planet and universe has to offer.

Thoughts may sometimes stray, but it's important to realize that in this moment, by some miracle, we, you, are alive!


One may choose to ponder:

How can I live each moment in gratitude?
How can I give thanks to this gift called life?

Yesterday is history (=100% thought)
Tomorrow is a mystery (also =100% thought)
Today (NOW) is the gift-- (all feelings, all that is real, consciousness)
that's why they call it "the present."

* The name "AllOne" was inspired, in part, by the song "One" (video, 13:53) by Carol King.
For any comments, questions, or if you want to help with AllOne in any way, please contact us About