How to keep your glasses ( )
Your view of life can get "foggy" or
and you may not know or realize why!
This page and others on AllOne are here to help anyone come to better awareness
of why they may not be as they wish they were. Maybe they want to
"improve" themselves to benefit others as well as themselves. They are
also here to help you with acceptance of yourself and
others. Realizing that we are
helps to remove us, for example, from the need to judge.
- Your view
of life, what you see and experience, can be
symbolized by glasses (
See also We all wear
- Education
provides awareness, and awareness can provide better choices. This is the
purpose of this page. See We don't know what we
don't know.
- There are many
Lessons" and life events that can cause your glasses (your view of life)
to "get dirty" or "foggy". Being aware (mindful) of
these can help you be
as situations arise. This can help you keep
"cleaner glasses", allowing you to better follow any life path
that you may have chosen.
- Note: As a believer in positive
thinking, I believe the goal is to be able to identify (but
don't dwell on) any negative "roadblocks" or
"potholes" that may be hindering your positive direction. For once
identified, you then choose the positive actions or direction to take.
Awareness of the following can help to prevent "foggy glasses":
Note: Consider forgiveness for yourself and all others
because these and all "negative" personality traits were learned
at childhood, but they were all learned. The people that taught you also learned
it from someone else. Poor behavior on others is not ok,
however one can choose to "unlearn" any trait that they
want in their life. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt due to
experience. It continues through adulthood.
"Practice Kindness". I feel "All men
are created equal" means people have a responsibility
to be nice
to one another. Some may say "respect boundaries", some may say
"practice kindness".
- Be mindful that a person or a group of people may not be telling the
truth, or that they may be providing false information. Maybe their glasses are
- Be mindful that sometimes people
project. They may think that other people think the same way
that they do, or that they know what other people are thinking.
psychological projection can be
helpful when searching for the truth.
- Be mindful of the potential trap in automatically accepting
as truth.
- Be mindful of learned
- Be mindful that most skills in life are learned,
so be mindful of what you are learning.
- Be mindful of important
relationship skills.
- Be mindful that some people grew up in a family that was either
unavailable, or was taught "incorrect lessons" and may have
learned some of the 13 Characteristics of
Adult Children.
- Be mindful that some people who were bullied as a child, may unfortunately
grow up
with, lets call them
"shields used to protect the
heart". Note, in the following link I personally do not like the
feeling of the picture,
but the content is very good: Personality Traits of an Adult Bully ( These traits are usually
learned without even realizing it, so if you
were bullied, it's not your fault, however
your actions may harm others inherent rights to happiness. Poor
behavior on others is not ok.
- Be mindful of dictator
- Be mindful of the power of mirror
- Be mindful of the power of role
- Be mindful of the power of making
amends, and a healthy way to repair
a relationship if you make a mistake and harmed someone else.
- Be mindful how to heal
emotional wounds, and that time does not heal all wounds.
- Be comfortable about the topic
of death, for both you and those you would like support.
Most importantly, these can be some of your best "glass cleaners":

Thank YOU for reading this! By David Morgan
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This page updated 04/15/24 10:40 AM